Friday, 5 September 2008

Self study

Today I have done the exercise about Count and Noncount nouns
Exercise 1
Are the following nouns count or noncount? Put an N next to the noncount nouns and a C next to the count nouns. If the noun can be either noncount or count depending on the context, put a D next to it.
world Ctextbook Cacid Dsmoking Npoetry Napplause Nthought D
banana Cconduct Nprogress Nbiology Nessay Ccrystal Dshopping N

Exercise 2
Put an X next to the words in the following list that can be used as either count or noncount nouns, depending on the context.
defense Xbeauty Xgarbageexperience Xbaggage
rain Xrugnaturebagemotion X

Exercise 3
Fill in the blank with the form of the noun in parentheses that is appropriate to the grammatical context of the sentence and the meaning of the passage as a whole.
Diabetes: Beyond the Basics
Because diabetes can cause devastating _________ (damage, damages) to virtually all body ________ (system, systems), people with diabetes should not underrate the seriousness of their disease. Learning to live with a chronic ________ (illness, illnesses) such as diabetes must be an ongoing process.
The Hospital's Center for Family Life Education is sponsoring a five-part educational series on diabetes. The series will begin on April 30 and continue through May 29. The _________ (program, programs) will be held in the second floor classroom of the Education Center from 7-9 p.m.
The diabetes series is free and open to the public and will be of specific _________ (interest, interests) to people who have diabetes and their families and friends.

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